TA Guide

Getting Started:

  • Accept my invitation on Canvas to join the class.  You will be joining as a grader so you will be able to enter grades.
  • Create an “Anthsta” for Instagram (a fake instagram account just for this class) if you do not want to use your current Instagram account.
  • Create a hashtag for your group.  It must be unique yet easy to type and remember for your students.  Test it on Instagram to make sure there are no current posts using that hashtag.
  • Introduce yourself on your Anthsta with a selfie or collection of pics that let us know who you are and use the hashtags #anth101 #introductions #anth101ta #YOURGROUPNAME. Also, include a video introduction on your Anthsta.
  • We will make groups about 5 days before class starts.  From that moment onward you will be able to send messages to your group using Canvas.

Your Core Responsibilities:

  • Inspire students to do great challenges.  This means doing great challenges yourself AND giving them feedback on early challenges to raise expectations and to give them a sense that someone cares and appreciates their efforts.  Stay one week ahead on the challenges and offer advice based on your own challenges.
  • Participate in discussions.  Encourage deep and lively discourse.  A mix of fun and depth is possible and encouraged.  Don’t let people slack.  If someone posts what appears to be a comment that makes it obvious they did not view the material or engage with it deeply, call them out on it by asking hard questions – or e-mail them privately and say, “Hey, I noticed that your comments this week were not very thorough.  I would like to see more effort and engagement in the future.  Let me know if there is anything holding you back or making it difficult for you to fully participate. This class is important and potentially life-changing.  We want you to get the most out of it as possible.”  (or something like that).
  • If a student does not submit an assignment, check in with them to see what’s going on.  Do this with every assignment they miss.  Be kind and recognize that people often have good reasons for missing.  If a student misses 3 or more in a row, let me know so we can consider next steps.
  • Grade challenges, summaries, and discussions within 24 hours of the due date.  This will typically mean setting aside time on Monday to grade the discussions and challenges that were due Sunday night.
  • Promote best challenge submissions by using a Repost app.  Use hashtags #anth101repost and #anth101bestofchallengeX (where X = the number for the challenge).  Try to post at least 1 or 2 reposts for each challenge.  You might also highlight them in the discussions.

Your Challenge Posts:

  • Once you post something to Instagram for your challenge, write a note of encouragement to your students using Canvas.
  • Give them encouragement and advice for how to do their challenge, and
  • Invite them to ask questions or share their triumphs, tribulations, and comments in the discussion forum.


  • Post discussion starters for each of the required “readings” (these are usually documentaries or podcasts)
  • Engage in the discussion, drawing attention to the key lessons from the text and videos.
  • Post a discussion starter for the challenge as well that inspires them, reminds them of how it fits into the big lesson, and invites them to ask questions.

Your Weekly Schedule (Fall/Spring Semesters):

  • Ultimately, your schedule will probably look something like this:
    • Monday: Grade challenges, summaries, and discussion entries (2 hours)  Heart the good ones and Re-Post the great ones as #anth101bestofchallengeX (where X is the number of the challenge)
    • Tuesday: Post your challenge on Instagram and send an encouragement post out to your group (2 hours)
    • Wednesday: Post some of your own comments about the week’s material on the discussion board to get things rolling.  We have some *great* documentaries and movies to watch together, so this should be fun.
    • Thursday-Sunday: Keep checking back in on the discussions and comment as needed.
    • Sunday: Check your messages frequently as this is when students will probably be posting their challenges and they may have questions.
    • Your total weekly time commitment will probably come out to about 8 to 10 hours/week, though you are of course welcome to put more into it as you like (though your pay is fixed at $1,000 for the semester)

Summer Schedule (for Summer TAs)

  • Class moves very fast, so plan on spending about 2 hours on it every day.  Each lesson is covered in 3 to 5 days.
    • Day 1: Grade challenges, summaries, and discussion entries from the previous challenge due the day before. (2 hours)  Heart the good ones and Re-Post the great ones as #anth101bestofchallengeX (where X is the number of the challenge)  (2 hours of work)
    • Day 2: Post your next challenge on Instagram. Post the link in a message to students and send encouragement out to your group (2 hours).
    • Day 3: Post some of your own comments about the week’s material on the discussion board to get things rolling.  We have some *great* documentaries and movies to watch together, so this should be fun.
    • Day 3-5: Keep checking back in on the discussions and comment as needed.
    • Final Day of Lesson: Check your messages frequently as this is when students will probably be posting their challenges and they may have questions.
    • Your total time commitment will probably come out to about 12 to 16 hours/week, though you are of course welcome to put more into it as much you like (though your pay is fixed at $1,000 for the semester)