a reminder from the great Ira Glass on why we push ourselves to do project after project after project …

General Notes:

  • Make sure you submit a full reflection on what you learned about all the elements of awesome.  The key is to learn, and reflection is a big part of learning.
  • There were some grainy images.  Let’s set our cameras to a max 640 or at most 1280 ISO. Keep it on Auto, but set the range so that it caps at 640 or 1280.
  • Remember to open up the aperture in low-light situations.
  • You can always over-light a night scene and darken it up later.  Just make sure the light is balanced like you want it.
  • You can also use the “Denoiser” in Premiere to make things look a little better.
  • Always mount the Rode mic and turn it on.  In addition, consider getting a lav mic on your subject. or recording key sounds with a lav close to the subject.  Use heavy blankets to muffle unwanted sounds in your environment.
  • Export using h.264 and YouTube 1080p.
  • If you want to shoot slo-mo, increase your frame rate to 60fps.
  • Don’t forget pacing.  Several films moved a bit too slow and lingered on shots a bit too long.
  • On the other hand, make sure we see all we need to see to get the message – to develop the characters, move the plot, etc.
  • What equipment do we need?
    • Sound blanket?
    • Lum cubes?
    • Rig to hold light, mic, etc. and smooth out footage?
    • More kits?


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